Over time we can get comfortable with the things we do and where we live, but you need to shake that up and expand your comfort zone. Getting out of your comfort zone can be a good thing. It can help you discover new things about yourself, push you to meet new people, and gain new experiences.

What is a comfort zone?
The comfort zone is a psychological state in which one feels familiar, safe and at ease, but may decrease one's creativity and productivity. Getting out of your comfort zone means you're willing to go beyond the normal boundaries you set for yourself. There are many benefits of getting out of your comfort zone. It can help you:
- Increase self-awareness
- Increase confidence
- Develop new skills
- Achieve big goals
- Improve mental health
Here are ten quick and easy ways to get out of it of your comfort zones:
1. Switch up your morning routine
If you have a routine that works for you and makes you feel good, there is no reason to change it. But if your mornings feel like an endless cycle of the same old thing, it might be time to try something new. We all like routines because they give us structure and make us feel secure in our lives. It also helps us get things done more efficiently by having a set order for things. But when we don’t challenge ourselves or get out of our comfort zones, we miss out on opportunities for growth. It’s important not only to stick with what works but also try new things from time to time. You may not realize it, but your morning routine can be a great place to start experimenting with change. Here are five everyday processes we typically take for granted that can be switched up for major results:
- How you start your day
- What you eat
- How you commute to work
- What you watch
- How you exercise
2. Go to a networking event
Networking can be intimidating, especially if you've never done it. But there are a number of reasons why it's worth getting out of your comfort zone and going to a networking event.
- You might get some new business. The primary goal of many networking events is to make new contacts. And for entrepreneurs, those contacts could lead to new customers. In fact, even attending an event where you're not the target audience can open up new opportunities. Maybe you'll meet someone who knows someone in your target market. Or maybe you'll discover a new way to use one of your products.
- You'll establish yourself as an expert. Even if you don't make any sales at that event, by making good connections, you're establishing yourself as an expert in your field — or at least someone with authority on the topic. So when people think about hiring or doing business with someone in your field, they'll think about you first — or at least be more likely to consider hiring you than someone they've never heard of before.
- You could find a mentor or collaborator. It's not always easy to find a mentor, but it's even harder when you stay inside your comfort zone. A lot of people have mentors because they met them through networking opportunities like career fair.
3. Change your hairstyle
Without a doubt, your hair is an essential component of your look. Its length, colour and style are all statements about who you are. When it comes to job interviews, first dates or big meetings, you’ve probably agonized over every last detail of your appearance. If you want to get out of a rut or just shake up your routine, one of the easiest ways to do so is through changing your hairstyle. Aside from being a fun way to express yourself, changing your hairstyle can also be empowering. You can use the opportunity to show off a new side of yourself and make quite the impression on everyone around you! If you're tired of your hair but not sure where to start, try changing up the colour. From highlights and lowlights to all-over dye jobs, there are plenty of colour options available.
Dyeing your hair can be a fun way to experiment with colour and make a change without a major commitment. If you don't like it, you can always cover it up or wait for it to fade away. Either way, get ready for a bold new look! When in doubt, go shorter! If you're tired of having long hair, trimming it off is one of the easiest ways to change up the appearance of your locks. Plus, short hair is easier to style and maintain than long hair is. Getting bangs is another classic way to change your hairdo while still keeping most of your length intact. You can opt for full bangs or side-swept.

4. Wear something you don’t usually wear
"Dressing differently can change your mindset because it forces you to see yourself in a different light."
In our day-to-day life, we tend to dress in the same way because it's convenient, comfortable and easy. Sometimes we don't even think about what we're wearing. But when we break out of these habits, it can have a positive effect on our mood and make us feel more confident. Dressing differently can change your mindset because it forces you to see yourself in a different light. It can be as simple as adding a new colour to your wardrobe or wearing a piece of clothing that you never thought you would wear. So why not wear something you usually wouldn’t wear?
5. Take a public speaking class
From the most outgoing extroverts to the quietest introverts, everyone can benefit from taking a public speaking course. Not only can it help you improve your communication skills and develop confidence, but it can also help you get over any nervousness you may have when giving presentations. Other skills you will learn are standing up for yourself, thinking on your feet and it will improve focus and concentration.
6. Join a club
Joining clubs and taking part in activities are great ways to get out of your comfort zone. Joining a club can help you feel more connected and valued. Being part of something bigger than yourself or even just being around others who are passionate about the same things as you can be very fulfilling. They're also great ways to make friends who share the same interests as you. If you're not sure what kind of club you'd like to join, check out some of the clubs in your area. Finally, it is important to remember that clubs are not just social; they can also be professional. By joining an industry-specific club or group, you will have the opportunity to make meaningful connections in your field.

7. Take On a Challenge, Every Day for 30 Days
"A 30-day challenge is perfect because it has a few key elements that make it doable: It's not forever — just 30 days!"
Taking on a challenge can help you get out of your comfort zone, grow as a person and build new habits. But it's easy to make excuses for not taking on a challenge: You're too busy. It will be too hard. It's uncomfortable. There are too many other things to do. You might fail. You don't have enough time, or energy, or motivation, or money. You can't find the right way in. We've all done it before — but what if you could make those excuses work in your favour? A 30-day challenge is perfect because it has a few key elements that make it doable: It's not forever — just 30 days!
It's short enough that you can start almost any time of the year without feeling like you're starting in the middle of something (e.g., "I'll start my exercise routine next month.") The impact is big — 30 days is long enough to actually change a habit and do something significant, but short enough that you won't dread doing it every day (e.g., "I'll spend 10 minutes meditating every day for a month.") You can choose the timing — since there are 52 weeks in a year, you could take on
8. Take a solo trip
"When travelling alone, meeting new people becomes a must rather than an option."
Solo travel can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling ways to spend your time. You have to do a lot of things on your own, but you will feel truly independent and proud of your accomplishments when you've made it back home. When travelling alone, meeting new people becomes a must rather than an option. While it may take a little bit of courage to talk to strangers at the beginning of your trip, it is something you will learn how to do in no time. Meeting new people is not only a great way to make friends, but also learn about other cultures and perhaps pick up a few new words along the way.
9. Move to a different city or country
Living and working in a different city or country is one of the best ways to get out of your comfort zone. You'll have to learn new things, meet new people and adapt to a new culture.
That said, it's important to choose the right city for what you want to get out of your experience. For example, I moved to Japan because I wanted to be immersed in an unfamiliar culture; whereas, if I had moved to Bali or Thailand, it would have been too easy for me to find other Westerners and English speakers who could provide a safety net.

10. Go to a movie by yourself or go to dinner by yourself
There's no rule that says you have to eat with someone else — and you'll be surprised at how many other people are doing the same thing. Go to the movies by yourself. This is the beginner's version of getting out of your comfort zone. You've probably done this when your friends have been busy or when there hasn't been something playing everyone wants to see, but it's not a habit for most people. Going out to dinner at a restaurant by yourself. This is similar to going to the movies solo, except that it's a little more intense because people are eating at restaurants with other people all around them. Watching a movie or going to a restaurant alone can be intimidating. But making a habit of it can help you feel more at ease with being by yourself. After all, no one is watching you or judging you. They probably don't even realize that you've come alone! The more often you do an activity by yourself, the easier it gets over time. It may seem like a terrifying prospect now, but just try it once and see how it goes. If you do, maybe next time you'll be a bit more confident and comfortable doing it by yourself.
In the end, I hope the takeaway from this is that getting outside of your comfort zone can make life much more interesting. You never know what you might discover, and you might even like it! After all, variety is the spice of life, right? So go ahead and try something new. Maybe it’s not as hard as you think.